“Unlock your business growth with the best certified digital marketer in Manjeri, Malappuram, Kerala.”





Best Certified Digital Marketer in Manjeri, Malappuram, Kerala

“Unlock your business growth with the best certified digital marketer in Manjeri, Malappuram, Kerala.”

I’m Abdulla Iquyan, a freelance digital marketer currently residing in Manjeri, Malappuram, Kerala. My journey in the field of digital marketing began with a dedicated pursuit of knowledge. I completed a rigorous 4-month digital marketing course at Skillz Learning Hub, Kottakkal, where I gained a profound understanding of the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing.
After that, I embarked on a transformative 2-month internship at D-fine Digital Solutions, a real-world testing ground for my skills. There, I had the privilege of working on live campaigns, fine-tuning my strategies, and gaining invaluable hands-on experience.
With this knowledge and practical exposure, I am well-prepared to assist your business in thriving in the world of digital marketing. My expertise spans the full spectrum of digital marketing, social media marketing, content marketing, PPC services, and more.

best certified digital marketer in Manjeri, Malappuram, Kerala.

Why Choose Us

Delivering measurable success through effective digital strategies
Tailored solutions driven by market insights and innovation.
Open, clear updates to keep you informed and confident
Your success is our priority; collaborative partnerships for optimal outcomes
Improve conversion rates
Global reach
Build powerful website
Improve your business website for a high rank.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) helps to improve the visibility and ranking of your website in search engine result pages.


WEB Development

I can craft a uniquely designed WordPress website that harmonizes with your brand identity, business goals, and intended audience.


Google Ads

Search engine Marketing methods like Google Ads, Pay-per-Click, Adwords are under the services



Social media marketing helps your businesses to promote through social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, twitter, LinkedIn, etc.



Search Engine Marketing is a form of online marketing that aims to promote websites by increasing their visibility in search engine result pages through paid advertising.


Content Marketing

Content marketing mainly focuses on the types of blogs, videos, infographics and articles that customers need. Content helps to increase traffic to the webpage



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Contact Us

You can contact me as a certified freelance digital marketer for any digital marketing services.

Our Office Address

Manjeri, Mullampara, Malappuram (dist), Kerala,
+91 8848283867

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    Answer & Question

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